After Costa Rica, we travelled north for a brief visit with Erica, Jeremiah, and their son Dallas. We had visited them during the US tour in 2014 and recently saw their presentation in Ithaca on recent developments. They’ve been fighting hard against a proposed landfill expansion and still finding time to prioritise play. After a night and a day with them, Suzanna and I left Andy in their capable hands for an extra few days of beach frolicking. We hopped on a plane to Melbourne.

It will come as no surprise to anyone that the flight is long. However, both of us were startled to discover that we left on the 13th and arrived on the 15th. Somewhere, in the endless night of a tin can hurtling through the air, Wednesday happened for the rest of the world but not for us.

In window seats, one behind the other, Suzanna and myself watched dawn break around the plane’s wing and knew we were getting close.

Pop-Ups On Tour 2015 - Los Angeles

Since then, we’ve had a weekend of pottering around Melbourne, appreciating its wonders. We walked miles each day, exploring alleyways of interesting shops and nibbling our way through Chinatown. Climbing to the balcony of the public library, we saw a cartwheel shape of Melburnians. They were reading and typing beneath a grand cathedral ceiling. We met Marcus of Playground Ideas for coffee and on the University campus benches, even did some work!

Pop-Ups On Tour 2015 - Los Angeles

Tomorrow, our Australian adventures begin. Together with Malarkey, we’ll be heading to New South Wales to present on 20th October and then Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia! Stay tuned, for further pop-up adventures, and wherever you are – keep playing!

To read more from Morgan, please visit her personal blog. To find out more about our world tour by visiting our special tour page or follow us with #PopUpsWorldTour2015.

By Morgan