Oct 15, 2018 | adventure playground, Ali Wood, campference, Houston, Jill Wood, photo, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HOUSTON, TX: On a three-acre site in West Houston, children ages 6 to 13, many with learning differences and communication delays, have constructed a three-acre homemade playground of their dreams. This past year marked a decade of growth and...
Sep 15, 2018 | adventure playground, Call for Presentations, campference, Community, Playwork, Playworker Development Course, presentations, stories
As part of Playwork Campference 2019, we would like to invite folks to tell us about their own projects, their communities, and their playwork perspective, so we put out a Call for Presentations. Since then have heard some whispers that we’d like to gently...
Sep 4, 2018 | Adventure Play, campference, Community, personal development, Play, Playwork, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Pre-Campference
Since 2010, Pop Up Adventure was part of the US Playwork and Adventure Play scene, also helping it to grow. New projects from coast-to-coast in North America, and around the world, with leaders combining passion and dedication. We are proud to consider colleagues and...
Sep 1, 2018 | box, Children, loose parts, Play, Playwork, playworker, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds, Reflections, stories
By Zan “…what I find particularly attractive about storytelling is that no one has to teach us how to tell a story. It is a way we make sense of our experiences. It is inclusive and open to all playworkers irrespective of their setting, previous...
Aug 27, 2018 | Call for Presentations, campference, Playwork, theme
By Zan It’s been a bit quiet here on the blog front but we are finally ready to start making some noise again! We’ve had lots of chats about our Playwork Campference and have set up a dedicated webpage for it, which you can find here. We thought long and...
May 11, 2018 | Adventure Play, adventure playground, campference, Jill Wood, Play, play conference, Playwork, Risk Study
By Zan We are super excited and slightly giddy to be announcing the next Playwork Campference. Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be working with Jill Wood of Adventure Play at The Parish School in Houston, Texas, to host the second Playwork Campference on a...
Apr 9, 2018 | 7 Principles of Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds, Children, Morgan, Play, Playwork, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Pop-up Adventure Playgrounds
By Morgan A conversation on Facebook recently veered into the weeds, as they sometimes do. We reflected on the back and forth of digital text and decided it was time to bring the conversation out of bubbles and into whole paragraphs. Asking us directly about who...
Mar 24, 2018 | Children, loose parts, Morgan, Play, Playwork, survey
We have a slow but steady trickle of requests coming in from other organisations. They want to use Suzanna’s photographs of children at play, get a quote or opinion. It’s very rarely promoting something specific, and usually about creating shared content...
Jan 3, 2018 | Children, Community, Play, play association, Playwork, playworkers, Pop-Up Adventure Play, tagline
There’s a small thing that’s irked us for ages. It’s probably a common feeling to folks in playwork, given how we struggle to explain this work to outsiders. As an organization that positions itself as a kind of ‘welcome mat’ for...
Dec 25, 2017 | campference, Canada, Children, Play, Playful Schools Online, Playwork, playworker, Playworker Development Course, Pop-Up Adventure Play, Tour
Since founding Pop-Up Adventure Play, we’ve worked in two main arenas. Firstly, to share playwork ideas as widely as we can. Secondly, to help both new and dedicated playworkers connect with one another. This year, those efforts felt at times more important...
Nov 13, 2017 | Board of Directors, Canada, Guest Writer, loose parts, Photos, Play, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, The Land Documentary, Tour, workshop
It was a warm evening in Vancouver and I had just been picked up in the little yellow tour car (with a surprising amount of leg room) and I was heading into the little known space of playwork. This was an adventure that I never thought that I’d have the chance...
Sep 29, 2017 | Canada, Children, loose parts, Photos, play conference, play frames, Playwork, playworker, Pop-Up Adventure Play, presentations, Tour, video, workshop
By Morgan 9 weeks. 10,000 miles. 18 stops. The Pop-Up Adventure Play team has met and played with literally thousands of people, from coast to coast, in big cities and small towns, on mountains and in prairies, in parks and schools and lecture halls, with new friends...