Play Free VT: The Joy of Post

Play Free VT: The Joy of Post

By Zan I remember sitting outside the classroom with the teaching assistant. My pen was poised over an envelope trying to focus all my energies into handwriting my home address in the neatest way possible. I was 7 and we had been learning about letter writing in...
Play Free VT: Chainsaws!

Play Free VT: Chainsaws!

There was a phrase that we had come back to so many times over the years, that Suzanna had developed in response to a trend of particularly worrying adult risky play-enthusiasts. “You can’t go from zero to chainsaw,” she said. It meant: start where you’re at. It...
Shortlisted! – Playwork Awards 2023

Shortlisted! – Playwork Awards 2023

Dear Playwork friends, We’re so pleased to have been nominated and shortlisted as one of the potential recipients of the Altogether Different Award this year! Thank you so much! As one of the 5 awards at the Annual Playwork Awards, we’re particularly...
Play Free VT: Make Your Own Zine

Play Free VT: Make Your Own Zine

By Morgan Leichter-Saxby When I was a kid, I loved to tap out stories on my parents’ clunky beige word processor. I’d illustrate them with colored pencils and make little books. Each one was specific and precious to me and sharing them meant something. It was a...
Guest Writer: “Play Heals All Wounds”

Guest Writer: “Play Heals All Wounds”

We have been running the Playworker Development Course for almost 10 years now. It is still humbling to hear about people’s experiences while engaging with the course materials and how they apply playwork theory to real life. This is a guest written post by PDC...
Behind the Scenes of the PDC

Behind the Scenes of the PDC

We began developing and running the Playworker Development Course (PDC) way back in 2013. It was designed to meet a very specific need: individual play advocates all around the world wanted to learn more about playwork theory and how to put it into action. Since then,...